We munched on Green Eggs and Ham biscuits, pigs-in-a-blanket, chips and goldfish crackers served in a goldfish bowl. We also threw in some pesky veggies. To round out our celebration-a Cat in the Hat hat cake. YUM-O.

Calen was presented with a diploma while wearing his snazzy cap and gown. We enjoyed looking back at his accomplishments over the past several months. He entertained the family by reciting most of his Bible verses, reading poetry, and reacting a Little Bear story. I shared some stories from his writing journal.

Here is a sample of the most recent pictures of the kids.

For some reason Riley always has a look of concern and uncertainty on her face when with her "bubbies."

And, as promised, pix of Hunter.

In other news. My dad is doing well. We are very thankful that he wasn't seriously injured. For those not up to date: Two weeks ago he was in a tractor accident. He and my brother and some friends were getting hay bales out of field. The tractor started sliding, and when my dad jumped off the trailer jack-knifed and pinned his left leg. He thought he had lost his leg, but he didn't. In fact, it wasn't even broken! Talk about a blessing. He still has a lot of work ahead of him since he did suffer from extensive muscle damage, but hopefully PT will help with that.
We are in monsoon season here in the mountains of TN. The heavens are just dumping water right now. Yesterday morning Danny went to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee around 6:30. At 7:00 he was getting ready to leave for work when he stepped in something wet. The floor was covered in standing water and there was a bulging bubble in the ceiling. Some shingles had blown loose, and our roof was leaking. We will have to have the entire ceiling and some drywall replaced, as well as some light fixtures. I hated the light fixtures, fan, and chandelier in the eating area so I get to get some new ones. Might as well paint while we're at it.