Yesterday morning we welcomed Riley Elizabeth to the world after months of anticipation (and some inpatience on my part). This pregnancy seemed to last forever; however, it only appeared that way because it ran together with Jax's. I have been pregnant for 18 of the past 22 months! These morning my uterus is relieved although sore.
Riley was certainly not an easy pregnancy although there weren't any complications (well, major medical ones). She spent most of her time breach and transverse so when I was standing up it felt like she was going to fall out at any moment. After 35 weeks she decided to get into the proper position. This put her right up under my ribcage. The past week and half I was uncomfortable to sit and lean forward even the slightest amount. I felt dizzy, light-headed, and as though I was going to pass out. Now I'm just doing the "old lady shuffle" as I move about the room.
It was very frustrating to go into labor the night of my scheduled c-section! I labored for seven hours until it was bumped up an hour. Not only do my abs hurt, but my back, sides, and shoulders do also. Yesterday my jaw hurt from gritting my teeth that last hour. There were times I forgot to breathe the pain was so intense. Having had two previous c-sections, the worst labor I could have had was back labor and lower uternine contractions. Well, that's what I had, and with every contraction my uterus felt like it was going to explode.
They finally gave me something for pain, but I was carted off to the OR about 15 minutes later. Now I was drugged off my butt. I tried really hard to concentrate on what everyone was telling me and to participate in the conversation while at least trying to sound like I had some intelligence. My eye lids felt like dead weights. I managed to stay awake until Danny took Riley to the nursery. I dosed in and out why they cleaned me up and put me back together.
All in all everything was great to be unexpected and unplanned- just the way our family likes.
Love and Prayer and Purity
3 years ago