This time a year allows us to reflect upon all the things for which we should be grateful. There are so many things great and small to be thankful for that the list is endless. We, here in our household, are often not as thankful as we should be or even thankful often enough for all the blessings God has bestowed upon us. The last few years have really reminded me to be thankful for the good times and the bad (even the bad times can often times be a blessing in disguise), for the blessings I've had, and for the blessings to come.
Here's our top 10 Reasons for Giving Thanks this year.
1. Our children: Riley will be one month old on Thanksgiving Day. We are so blessed and thankful for our little surprise. She is sleeping and growing well, and loves to be cuddled. Jax will 15 months old on the 30th. He is a ball of fire that keeps us on our toes. He will be able to keep us young and die of a heart attack at the same time. Calen is zooming towards his 6th birthday. He is growing up more and more everyday. We can't believe how big our first baby is.
2. Homeschooling: What a blessing it has been for our family. We love almost everything about this time together. We are thankful for the good times and the bad (there is probably more to be learned during the bad times anyway...) At the end of this week we will have completed 1/3 of our school year. Calen would be thankful if he no longer had to do copywork or handwriting. These subjects are the majority of those bad times that really are a blessing in disguise. He'll thank me later... maybe.
3. Family: It has been nice to be back home in TN closer to family. I like not having to schedule extended periods to come visit. I enjoy being able to have our families over for their birthdays and cook them dinner and their favorite desserts.
4. Friends: How fortunate we are to have so many wonderful people in our lives! There are many that we don't communicate with as much as we would like, but we are still thankful for their part in our lives. God has blessed us by putting each one of you in our lives when and where we truly needed you, and for that we are thankful.
5. New Home: I truly believe this is the house we were meant to buy at this time. It had almost everything on my wish list. It has a large yard for the kids to play, bedrooms large enough for most of the kids' things, a finished basement that was completed with a homeschool area (THE selling point), a kitchen that has lots of cabinets, pantries, and counter space, and welcoming porches were you can seat, swing, sip tea or lemonade, nibble cookies and chat the day away if you have the time.
6. New Job: Danny's job is going very well so far. He's enjoying being free from the vigors and restrictions of residency and fellowship, and he's enjoying establishing his own practice style. His Sports Medicine clinic are expanding nicely, particularly for a location that has never had Sports Medicine before, and he's picking up new patients rapidly in his Family Medicine clinics (there's 11 new patients on the schedule for tomorrow so far). He's working with Tusculum College, and is beginning to get involved with teaching residents and medical students again. He's very thankful to be at a hospital where he feels a vital part of the system, and to be in a practice where it's not only all right to talk about God and Faith- it's expected to be part of his practice.
7. Freedom: We are so blessed to live in a country in which we are free to do pretty much as we please. The benefits are vast, but the cost is pricey. We are able to come and go as we please, get an education, attend the church of our choosing (or not), and speak our thoughts and opinions. It is often taken for granted without much thought of our we obtained it and how we keep it. Please pray and keep our troops in mind this holiday season, and thank a soldier and their families if you can.
Xerox is doing something awesome for our soliders. Follow this link, pick out a card, Xerox will print it and send it to a solider in Iraq.
http://www.letssaythanks.com/8. Eight and 9 are a combination of thanksgivings and blessings. On November 12th, Calen accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior. In recent months, his questions and discussions about God and Jesus had become more detailed. He began to worry and fret about things that most children do not think about such as dying and the Rapture. Although he has always been a thinker and a worrier, it seemed more intense. We thought the Lord could be working on his young heart. He had also been asking how you got saved, when you knew to get saved, and so on. That night we were talking about something spiritual although the specific topic escapes me. We were in the car waiting on Danny. When Danny got in I told him that Calen had said he "couldn't wait to get saved." Calen then said with a cracking voice that he wanted to get saved but didn't know how. We told him would be talk and pray when we got home. He chose the couch for this special moment. We couldn't wait for that Sunday when we as a family joined the church, and Calen stood in front by himself to tell everyone that he had accepted Jesus into his life. He also couldn't wait to be Bapitized.
9. Calen (and Mom) are Bapitized. On the morning of November 23rd, Calen and I were Bapitized together. Although I have been a Christian for 15-16 years, I have not been Bapitized. For months I had been telling Danny that I needed to get Bapitized before Calen (I had a feeling he was getting close). In fact, on November 5th I had talked with a friend about it and said that we would be joining the church after the New Year and I had to get Bapitized before Calen. The next Wednesday Calen was saved and wanted to be Bapitized immediately. It is humbling to be reminded that God's plans for our lives are better than the ones we had. That leds me to the most important thing to be thankful for this (and every) season.

10. Our Heavenly Father. I am thankful for His grace, love, strength and mercy. I love that He tells us that with Him all things are possible, apart from Him we can do nothing, and that if we let Him he will lighten our burdens and set us free. I am thankful for His gift of salvation. It is truly a gift, and it can not be bought or earned. All we have to do is accept it and be thankful.
Hope you all have a day of being Happy Giving Thanks!
Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessaonians 5:18