Well, we've survived the week. Danny went back to work on Monday, and Calen and I began our second quarter of school. All has went well until today... picture day. This afternoon we had the kids' Christmas pictures taken. Well, actually, we attempted to have pictures taken. We settled on ones that would work. It took almost two hours including settling on the pictures we wanted.
I'm not sure what happens on picture day, but it is a day of stress and chaos. No matter how diligent I am, schedules are off as well as the kids behavior. It doesn't matter when I schedule to have pictures taken- one or more will be tired, cranky, hungry, thirsty, silly, sick, wet, dirty... (the list goes on and on). This session brought even more challenges because it required the cooperation of three children.
Calen is still in his cheese phase, but even if he starts out with his beautiful natural smile, it is strained by the time Jax is somewhat in the pictures. Jax, oh my, that child is all over the place. He can not sit or stand still for one second. His beautiful natural smile is seen walking directly towards the camera, climbing the chairs, trying to open the present props, or throwing the ornaments. Hey, they look like balls. As for the presents, after a birthday under his belt he knows what to do to that pretty little bow.
On top of Jax's antics was the lovely carpet burn to his forehead and gash to his eyelid. I tried to explain the the traditional Christmas colors are red and green not black and blue. He has had one accident after another since I booked the appointment earlier in the week. Thankfully his busted lip had healed, and he hadn't lost any teeth. Riley is not quite three weeks old, but she was not in the Christmas spirit during most of the picture taking. We did capture one picture of her dosing in the beginning and another with her eyes open. She looked absolutely beautiful after the session was done and we were picking out pictures to purchase.
So picture day is over for another few months. I hate picture day. Maybe the Christmas pictures in 2011 will go well. Calen will almost nine, Jax will be four, and Riley will be three. Unless... but I'm not going to go there right now. I hope to one day enjoy picture day again.
Love and Prayer and Purity
3 years ago
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