Everyday Jax is doing something new. He has a vocabulary of about 30 words that we know; he also has his own language. We seldom have any idea as to what he is jabbering on about. After a few days of paying close attention to his speech, I realized he would often repeat the same "words" or "phrases." I'm trying t0 match a particular word or phrase to what he is doing or what he wants. It's not very easy. The pediatrician told me that Calen will pick up on the lingo sooner and will probably be able to help. Riley will probably be in on this secret language if it continues over the next several months. Us parents could get left out of the loop. Sigh...
Last week, Jax discovered something fun (aside from the Christmas tree). He has come to find there is great joy to be had in being sneaky. He will now "hit the deck" and crawl past us in an attempt to get somewhere or something he shouldn't. He will cover his mouth if he giggles uncontrollably at something. He will also flatten (best as he can) against the wall around the corner from mom or dad. If we discover him, he will quickly cast his eye downwards towards the floor. If he can't see us then it stands to reason we can't see him. You can see the little corners of his lips turned upward as he tries to stand very still and very quiet.
Jax has also taken to hiding things. Last week he was following me towards his room when I noticed he had stopped and turned back to the kitchen. I called him a few times with no luck. I walked back to the kitchen, and he was standing with his back towards me. I said, "Jackson," at which point he spun around with one of Calen's new toys in hand. As his eyes locked on mine, he quickly threw the hand holding the toy behind his back. He just looked at me and smiled as if to say, "Hey. I'm just hanging out doing nothing." There he stood with that incredibly cute grin and a hand behind his back.
Another sneaky trick that he tried last week on Danny had me almost in tears. This is one of those "Where is the video camera when you need it?!" moments. Danny was sitting on the couch downstairs. Next to the couch is Danny's cue stick rack. Jax keep trying to walk past Danny to get to the rack so he could pull all the cue sticks off into the floor. Every time he would try to get past, Danny would hold out his arm to block him. After a few unsuccessful attempts to get past Danny, Jax finally looked at Danny and then pointed up to a picture hanging on the wall. Danny brought it back from a Peru mission trip, and it has a couple llamas on it. Jax would point and jabber. Danny would look up and say something about the picture and look back a Jax. After a few times, I told to Danny to just keep looking up at the llamas. As Danny kept looking up at the wall, Jax turned around and pressed his back against the wall with arms spread out hugging the wall. With his eyes closely watching Danny, he took a big step sideways, squatting slightly, stood up and did it again until he was at the corner near the rack. Where DO they learn these things?
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