Yesterday we celebrated
Calen's birthday-
finally. It was scheduled for last Saturday; however, Friday evening he spiked a fever of 103.5 and began complaining of leg pains. We decided it best to call everyone to cancel his party-again. By Tuesday his fever had
subsided, and his
appetite (and antics) had returned. We decided to go ahead and have his party on Saturday.
The orginal invitations where on parchment style paper, and I burned the edges and some holes in them. I put a red "X" on the bottom left corner.
To set the mood I had made signs that said "Enter at Yer own Risk" to
hang on the front door and another was hung on the door to the guest room. I also had several signs warning, "Beware, Pirates" that we hung up throughout the house. In the living room I set up a card table and decorated it with a treasure chest, treasure map, and telescope. We also sat the presents on the table. Next to the table we placed "Mr. Bones" guarding his gold and silver along with the sign "Dead Men Tell No Tales." We also had lots of black and red balloons inside and out and Jolly Rodger flags along the walkway to the porch.
Cap'n Calen's crew began arriving at high Two. What's a pirate with a sword or eye patch? So they each got one of eye. After playing for about fifteen minutes, it was time to begin our adventures.
They had to Walk the Plank, if they dared. Arrr.

Then we had a rousing game of "Tic Toc Find the Croc" in the house that they had to capture.

Toc. Where is that

After the croc was discovered (thankfully it was only a tiny one), Cap'n Calen and his maties were famished. They chowed down on some Sea Dogs (hot dogs), Fish 'n' Chips (potato chips and goldfish), Lagoon Dip w/ Peg Leg Veggies (ranch dip and celery, carrot, and cucumber sticks), and Treasure Salad (fruit salad). To quench their parched throats, they guzzled Ocean Water and Shark's Blood (blue and red Kool-Aid).
With full stomachs, we were off for some more adventures on the high seas. They had to Feed the Shark. Then we took their picture posing with the shark. I'll include their pictures with their Thank-you notes.

After our shark was well feed, we divided the kids into two crews to play Cannonballs Away. Each crew had a ship and fifty "cannonballs." They faced off in an attempt to "sink" the enemy ship. The kids had a blast with this game and played it four times!

After feeding the shark and battling enemy ships, the lil' pirates were ready for something sweet. I made Calen's cake per his request, a pirate ship on the ocean with an island.

After cake and ice cream, the pirates had one more swashbuckling adventure waiting- a treasure hunt. I had six clues for them to solve and find. The final clue led them to the treasure, a pinata treasure chest filled with chocolate and bubble gum coins.

The children left with quite a booty. Their treasure chests were filled with coins from the pinata, and a pirate assortment of pencils, compasses, yo-
yos, stickers, telescopes, suckers, tattoos, and bubbles-plus their swords and eye patches.
Next party, Jax and the Wild, Wild West. YA-HOO!