Calen had quiet a weekend. He started it off Friday afternoon by going with Danny to Thunder Valley. More about that in the next post. On Saturday, he headed to the woods with my dad to "hunt" turkeys. Calen spent the afternoon and evening cutting branches down and playing around. There weren't any turkey around anyway. The rest of the blog is Calen.
Sunday morning, Papaw had to drag me from the bed to the couch. I didn't want to get up 'cause I was sleepy. I knew I had to get up because I wanted to go turkey hunting, so I did- finally. I was still so tired mamaw and papaw had to get me dressed over my pajamas though.
After I was dressed, we went to the truck and drove to the mountains. We got to the gate and started walking to Tim's treefort. We climbed the ladder and papaw started calling for turkeys. Then the turkeys started flying down out of the trees and coming in. I saw a big one, but papaw said it was a hen. We can't shoot them. We had to wait on a gobbler.
A little while later papaw saw two gobblers out the window. They had white spots on their heads. They were huge. Papaw helped me pick up the gun and hold it because it's still too big for me. He told me to move my arm for a second so he could aim for me. Then he told me when the turkey popped its head up to pull the trigger.
We waited for a few seconds. The turkey popped its head out from around the tree. He was strutting and all puffed up. When he popped out, I shot the gun. The turkey started flapping around. Papaw climbed down out of the tree fort to go get the turkey. He told me to wait, but I got down by myself while he was trying to pick up the turkey. He was so excited. I was shaking. I couldn't believe I got a turkey on my first weekend hunt!
Papaw and I went back home. Everyone was still in bed because we hadn't been gone that long at all. I ran into the house shouting, "I got one, I got one, I got one!" I ran to mamaw and told her to come see what I got. I ran and told Aunt Amanda to come see what I got. I think papaw got Uncle Justin up to come see.
Aunt Amanda sent mommy and daddy a picture of me with my turkey. They were still at home and weren't there to see it yet. When they got there they couldn't believe I got such a big turkey. Daddy took a couple pictures, too. Papaw said he had never killed one so big.
I had to go with papaw to check it in at the gas station. I got to sign my own kill tag by myself. I was so excited I accidentally wrote Calem instead of Calen. It was a good looking "m" though. I said, "Uh-oh. I made a mistake on my name. I wrote it wrong. I put two humps instead of one for my "n." They told me it was okay.
When we got back home papaw and Chris skinned it for me. They took out the meat. We're going to eat it at Easter dinner. Then we took the turkey to this man's house. He's going to stuff it for me. It's going to look like it's flying down from a tree. He's even going to put it on a limb. I'm going to put it in my room!
My first turkey
20 lbs.
11 in. beard
1 1/4 in. spurs
1 comment:
Wow! You are off to a good start.
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