Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year

I have no idea where the past seventeen months have gone! Well, actually, I do. To catch up on life, here's a fast forward of our life while we were blogless. Our last post was in July 2010. Pretty pathetic, but I think understandable.

In August of 2010 Danny and I celebrated a big milestone- our 10th anniversary. We celebrated by going to Asheville to a B&B for the weekend. Then later he surprised me with a scavenger hunt of sorts over the next several weeks ending with a week long trip to New England in the fall. Shortly after our anniversary, we were blessed with another gift that wouldn't arrive until mid-spring of the next year. Big smile! At the end of the month Jackson turned the BIG 0-3! Following in big brother's footsteps, he celebrated with a Thomas the train party.

September 2010 we started our new homeschool co-op. That brought lots of challenges and rewards. The kids loved getting together with friends and the taste of a "class-like" atmosphere.

October 2010 Danny and I took off to enjoy New England in the fall, after some delay in getting there by plane. Unfortunately, the weekend before we arrived, the area had suffered the worst storms in 30 years and most of the gorgeous foliage had succumbed to the high winds and torrential rain. The weekend after we left the area received several inches of snow. For Halloween, Calen decided on a theme- superheroes. Calen dressed as Batman, Jax as the his trusty side-kick, Robin, and Riley was the ever sneaky, Batgirl (black NOT pink). Riley also turned twelve, I mean two. She had a cupcake party with my first topsey-turvey cupcake cake.

Blink through the holidays, and we arrived at 2011! More to come in our catch-up posts...

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