Holler at Ma or Pa with a Yee-haw or a Dang-nabit

On Friday, during lunch, Calen asked what kind of games there would be to play. I told him I wasn't planning on doing games because Jax wouldn't care. "What?! No games? What's a party with games. You have to have games at a birthday party. It's not a party without games. It's a party! You need games!" Calen proclaimed. "Okay, okay. I'll do some games," I said. So here are some of the games.
A "Shoot Out."

Lasso the Bronco

Ring the Cactus

And what's a birthday without cake?

I added little "buttons" with a "J" and a "2" to the cowboy hat cake. I also hid them among the patches on the bottom tier.

Next birthday, Riley, the big 1, October. About 8 weeks to figure it out. I'm behind.
Calen just finished his first week of first grade. We are off to a great start. The week went very smoothly and very quickly given what a hectic week it was. The longest assignment of the week was copywork. It took 20 minutes to copy 4 sentences. It was an average of 1 minute per word. One of the easiest things to do... One day he'll wish he could just copy the sentences, just like he will eventually miss those naps. Will they ever learn?
Riley is now 10 months old. She's a whopping 16 lbs. Saturday I put away her 3-6 month clothes. In the past week she has taken to eating some more textured type foods, and has even eaten a little table food. She also LOVES the water... dog dish, bath, toilet- she's not picky as long as it's wet.