It's hard to believe that summer is drawing to a close and school is almost ready to start back. The local PS (public schools) are going back as early as this week. Calen and I have three more weeks of vacay, although our awesome new curriculum is ready to go. It will be interesting to see how those first few weeks go with another mobile baby cruising the room.
We've had an incredibly busy summer. I'm not sure who decided to refer to this time as summer break, but there hasn't really been any breaks in this household. Part of me is looking forward to the start of school so that life can slow down a bit. Yeah, I know it's a pipe dream.
We've had a calender filled summer filled with cookouts, VBS (three), visits with grandparents (three weeks), and swimming lessons (twice a week). Those three VBSs could have been FIVE, but two didn't work out. Whew!
Jax has also had a very busy past couple weeks-potty training. He is doing extremely well and doesn't have very many accidents at home. He can even stay dry on trips from home, but he wears a diaper and can tell the difference, so he may not tell us if he needs to go. He still hasn't done a poopy on the potty yet, but he will come find me quickly to change him. If we can just catch him on the potty once, I think he'll be good to go. He'll get two M&Ms for that! He is also using his new skill as an excuse to get out of bed during naptime and bedtime. Sneaky, sneaky.
Riley is cruising right along. She is getting so big, even though big is a relative term here. She is about the size the boys were at six months. She can pretty much go where ever she wants. She has yet to get her first tooth, but no surprise there. She loves "playing" with the boys Hot Wheels cars. Last month we made a trip to Wal-mart so Calen could spend some allowance money. Jax picked out a car, and Riley got a little butterfly that rolls across the floor. Jax just loves that butterfly, and Riley loves that car!
Hunter is growing like mad. He rarely has an accident in the house, but if he does our little potty monitor, Jax, will let anyone within earshot know about it. He loves to chew on the kids' toys, with his preference being the wooden ones. I've lost count of the destroyed puzzle pieces at this point. Right now he is curled up asleep on his pillow, and Jax is wallowing him, and Riley is trying to chew on his ear.
Love and Prayer and Purity
3 years ago
1 comment:
Jess...I am soo bad about keeping up with all blogs, but I had a blast reading through yours tonight:) I'm so excited for you that homeschooling has gone so well. You are like the best mom ever!!!...having an end of the year party with Green Eggs and Ham, etc. You put me to shame:) Wish we were closer so we could home-school together!!
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