How long is a year? 12 months. 52 weeks. 365 days. ~8765 hours. ~525, 948 minutes. ~31,556,925 seconds. Last night we measured the past year in inches. Inches? Yup. And here's how we did it.
This week is The Greene County Fair, and we took the kids last night to have a couple hours fun. What was immediately apparent was that last year Jackson was only a little older than Riley. He was sitting in the stroller taking a bottle and eating two jars of baby food. This year it was Riley in the stroller, and Jax was in and out because he was walking around and riding some of the kiddie rides.
As for Calen, last summer he was riding all the kiddie rides. He was barely tall enough to ridessome of the big rides with Danny. Okay, he wasn't tall enough-exactly... He would stand really straight to gain those last few fractions of an inch. It was really crowded, and the workers were strict.
This year was a completely different story. He was too big for most of the kiddie rides, but the workers let him ride with Jax. Wow, Jax needed an adult, and Calen was able to ride with him. As for the big rides, Calen could officially ride ALL the adult rides- BY HIMSELF! No mom or dad, aunt or uncle, just him, all alone.
We measured the last year in at ~5 1/2 inches. I had no idea he had grown that much. If he grows just 4 more inches- then next year he can ride most roller coasters by himself. Next year, Riley will be running around riding those kiddie rides. Jax will looking to ride some of those bigger rides in upcoming years. Just him and his brother. The two of them. No mom or dad.
Love and Prayer and Purity
3 years ago
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