Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Speaking of time...
I love remakes of old songs. Now, granted, the remakes rarely have the quaility of the originals, but I appreciate artists paying their tributes to their idols and putting their twists on the originals. I especially appreciate the effort it takes to switch a song's identity, whether taking it from one genre to another or by switching genders of the performers. To this point, for the most part, I remember the original songs, but I don't remember when the originals were the new version...
Until now.
I was helping Jessica clean up the supper dishes and we had the radio on. I heard a familiar tune begin, and then realized I recognized the voice- it was Carrie Underwood. I then realized... I knew the words- the song is called "I Told You So." Three things went through my mind.
1) I loved this song....
2) Back when Randy Travis sang it...
3) No way it's been long enough to be remade!!!!
I then realized the song came out around 1988 (1987 was the release date for the album "Forever and Ever"), and that was... gulp... 21 years ago now! For the first time, I flashed back to the day I bought the original cassette and playing it in my room and, later, in my first truck...
Time.... where's it goin'?
I am well in birthday planning season. Calen's birthday is on the 22nd. We will have family over after church for dinner and cake. He can open a couple presents to help hold him over until his party on March 7th. We are praying the weather will cooperate and be warm. This year he is having a pirate party! I have lots of fun activities planned for the kids, hence the hoping for the outdoor party. I am also taking on his cake- a 3-D pirate ship complete with deserted island. I even have Jax and Riley's planned out, too. Of course, with a two and one year old, we don't need nothin' too fancy.
Some Calenisms from the past couple days.
On Sunday, on our way home from church, Calen wanted to know when we would have "breakfast again at church." At first Danny and I thought he was talking out our Sunday school class. We have a potluck breakfast the first Sunday of every month. Then it hit me he was talking about the Lord's Supper. When we asked he said, "Yes, that's what I'm talking about, the Lord's Supper." "Why?" I asked. "Because I wanted to know, " he said. "Are you excited about getting to do it next time?" I said. "YES! I can't wait to drink wine. I've never had wine before, and I'm excited to try wine." Danny said, "It's really grape juice." To this Calen replied somberly, "Oh, well, I've had grape juice before." Nothing else was said about it.
Monday evening Danny had a meeting to attend. Jax was in bed, and Calen was holding Riley. Calen had taken her down in the floor and was playing with her. He had said he loved her so I began to ask him some questions, "What do you love most about Riley?" Calen, "She my baby sister, and she's soooo cute." "What do you love most about Jax?" "He looks just like me, we're twins. Almost identical twins." What do you love most about mommy?" "You home-school me." "What do you love most about Daddy?" "He's a doctor that helps people get better." "What do you think you would like to be when you grow up?"
This question opened a can of worms. "I want to be a teacher like you, well, I want to be a doctor like daddy, too. I want to be a doctor and teacher. How can I be a doctor and home-school my kids?" Inhale. We began to discuss ways he could be both a doctor and a homeschooling dad. He's five! Why are we having this discussion.
I happened to notice that his lip was quivering and turned upside down. I asked him what was wrong. "Do I have to leave this family when I grow up?" Inhale deeply. I explained to him that he would always be a part of this family, even if he had his own. I wanted to tell him that he never had to leave, but knew we needed to have an honest discussion. I explained that as he grew up he would want to leave. He would want to go away for school. He would meet a girl and want to have family.
"Well, that's what scares me," he said. "What scares you?" I asked. "It's the kissing part. I'm nervous about kissing. I don't think I like that." I laughed and hugged him tightly. I told him that he needn't worry about that, and that as he gets older that will change. I told him he had a long time until he would think about leaving. He asked for a number, and I threw out 20. "That's not that long," he said. "Yes, it is. You have lots of time," I told him. "No, I'm five. Five, ten, fifteen, twenty. It's not that long at all." We continued this discussion for well over 30 minutes, most of it with him in my lap, sniffing, wiping tears and us hugging. Our children's hearts are amazing. And he's right, it's not that long...
Just a note for anyone interested. I've also started a new homeschool blog. In addition to blogging about our homeschool journey; I'll also be posting fun experiments, lessons, field trips, lapbooks, etc. The blog is
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Three Goals
Riley had her shots on Tuesday. She didn't do well at all and the remainder of the day was very bumpy. She weighs 10.8 pounds and is 23 inches long. She looks like a little peanut because her head is in the 5oth percentile. If you've seen our boys noggins then you understand that her "normal" head looks tiny to us.
Friday was a very exciting day for the Lewis clan because Calen and I have reached the halfway point of our curriculum. GOAL. Calen is officially half way through his kindergarten year. In a few short months I will be ordering our curriculum for first grade. I think I may go ahead and order the math and reading so that we can continue on with those skills over the summer months.
I know that there have been days that it seems as though the challenge is too great; however, Friday I was amazed that it had gone by so quickly. I am also amazed at the material we've covered and the knowledge that Calen has gained. Math and science are by far his favorite subjects. His least favorite remains handwriting and c-o-p-y-w-o-r-k. Shudder
Friday night Calen finished his indoor soccer season. He scored a goal during the game. After the game, we all met at Pizza Inn for a party. My friend Amanda, whose son is also on the team, and I made some "soccer" cupcakes for the kids. We also ordered them some little soccer trophies to have. The kids were thrilled to get trophies.
Calen and two other boys were on the same soccer team this summer. We couldn't believe how much they had developed over the months. This summer they only won one game. This season they won every game but one and it was a tie. We parents were really impressed with them. Now they just need to remember to pass the ball (this requires sharing, ha) and that the kids wearing the T-shirts are their teammates (requires a non-egocentric perspective, ha). It was a fun team with a lot of strong personalities. They were certainly entertaining and if you went to Pizza Inn Friday night between 7 and 8 looking for a quiet meal...sorry about that.
Friday, January 2, 2009
A New Beginning
In the first half of the year God blessed us with another child, a job, and a home. During the second half of the year we moved into that home, Danny started his job, and I had Riley. We also gained a wonderful church family, some new friends, and are moving right along with homeschooling. Jax even made it through the year without a major injury to himself or Riley (any blessing counts no matter the size.)
As 2009 begins, we are excited for what awaits us. We will have new (and I'm sure some old) challenges. I can't imagine anything more wonderful than what we already have. I do have some goals (no resolutions here) for this upcoming year.
I really want to re-landscape our yards. I also want to make some updates around the house, the white/brass combos have got to go. I hope Calen will learn to tie his shoes and that Jax will be potty trained. Riley will be running around in the madness by this time next year (another pang in the heart).
We wish each of you a bountiful year of blessings. We also hope that Tennessee kicks some butt this upcoming 2009 season. GO VOLS! It's a new beginning.
Family Christmas
This year was a little less hectic. For the first time in four years we didn't have to travel to visit family on Christmas, and at night we were able to sleep peacefully in our own beds. We still spent two to three hours on the road for three days straight, but it was worth it.