Wednesday, July 28, 2010
I Go Mamaw's?!
For the past three weeks, Jax has randomly made plans to go to mamaw's. It could be at 8:30 in the evening, in the car, first thing in the morning when he gets out of bed, or while at the store. It is, "I get my socks shoes. Go to Mammmmaaawwwwww's!" He's even had me call a couple times so he can ask, "Mamaw? I come to your house? Okay." Hands me the phone, "Mamaw said I come to her house. Okay?"
So he's going to mamaw's all by himself. For 3 nights and 4 days. I have a feeling Sunday night is going to be a little difficult. Just a hunch based on prior experience. It kicked in around the same age for Calen. I expect lots of crying and protesting for the next several years. This time next year...there will be two. Hey, what are grandparents for?
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Calen's Blog about the Zoo
Since most animals in the zoo are not nocturnal (which means active at night), they were asleep. Who would want to to see animals sleeping?! We did get to see a couple of the noctural animals at night. The next day we went a skunk, bat, and raccoon exhibit. These animals are nocturnal and in the day they would sleep. Who would want to see that, right? That wouldn't be fun for people who come during the day. So they flip flopped the time of day in this exhibit. To do this, they have this light on a timer. The lights were off in the day so it was dark, and the animals would think it was night and come out so we could see. Then at night, the lights would come on the animals would sleep.
We learned that people actually went in to feed some of the animals. Other animals, like the lions and tigers, they had to feed from outside. But, everyone has to go into the cages to clean them. These people got special shots that last for a year. They do this so if a raccoon and skunk has rabies and they get bit or scratched the people wouldn't get sick. That's a really good idea!
They also have a beaver exhibit at the zoo. If you look really closely their teeth look like candy corn because they orange at the top and white at the bottom. I didn't come up with that, another boy did, but I thought it was pretty cool.
There was this bird whose wings get longer than our arms! Like 15 to 20 feet long!! I forget the name of the bird, but it would eat dead animals (that means it is a scavenger). It will stick it's head in the animal to eat the meat inside of it. That is gross. Did you know that it doesn't have any teeth, so it uses its sharp beak to pull off the meat and swallows it whole.
Another neat bird that I saw was the screech owl. This poor owl had lost one of its eye. There is something bad about a owl, they don't pay any attention to a car's lights. Then they get hit by the car and can die!
Did you know they also have some ferrets at the zoo? Ferrets are not related to rats even though they look like one! They can shape their bodies like a ball very easily. They also do not like be kept in cages. Ferrets are very friendly, but will get scared around loud noises.
Two more interesting exhibits that I enjoyed were the red pandas and the gorillas. Red pandas look a lot like a fox. Even though they are red, they are camouflouged in the wild. This is because the moss that grows there is the same color as their fur. I learned that if you stare at gorillas they will think you are challenging them. Also, only baby gorillas get along with each other, but that is only at first. The bigger gorillas will fight with each other.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Never a Good Sign
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Climbing the Walls
New News
I quickly noticed a change in our attitude. I was much happier to get back to the homeschool routine, as was Calen. He didn't complain about anything, he said several times he was looking forward to the next day, and he was bummed on Saturday to hear there wasn't any school. Jax and Riley are more involved, too. They hang out around or on the table more asking for paper and pencils. They are trying to sing he geography songs with him, and asking to help. I find myself with more confidence and a higher comfort level. I know what we're doing and where I want us to go.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
You've Seen the Before, Now for the After
To go with our home's new face lift, we power-washed the siding. As a side note, we will not wait two years to do that again! I painted the banisters and freshened up our door. It was previously a reddish/orange/brownish-rust color. So I went and bought barn red paint. Yes, I bought a gallon of barn paint for the door. It says, "Come on it, take your shoes off, and kick back and relax a while."
We decided to let the yard grow in where that terrible, horrible flower bed used to be. Really, it had potential. I have no idea if it was never finished or if, at one point it had been and half of the contents were removed with the new owners or what. However, the owners that we purchased from were not the gardening type. The bed had been unattended for a year and half while they lived here. Then it was all but abandoned when we bought the home. It was three months of the growing season between when we closed and when we moved in, at that point it was too far gone. The only thing we put back was the Japanese Maple. At least we can mow the weeds now.
Blue is the Best Color
Jax riding the black plane. He would only ride the black one.
Can we bottle this moment?
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Road Trip
A Blast from the Past
A Piece of Cake
This one was for a baby shower and was my first "sale" cake.
Here is for an"Over the Hill" party. All the tombstones have "over the hill" sayings.
This was a baby shower cake for Danny's nurse. She's expecting twins.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Under Construction
The boys were so excited to see a bobcat trying to lift up the sidewalk. They sat down to watch for about 10 minutes, until the brick on the porch started popping loose. At first, I was like no big deal, nothing a little concret can't fix. Then the end of the porch started to rise a little more and the end post of the porch started to crack. Couldn't handle it, had to go. I hurried the boys in using the excuse that they might get hit in the head with a brick. Really, it was I who couldn't bear the sounds coming from the porch. I told them they could watch all the work from the windows. That kept them entertained for quite a while, until lunch and nap/quiet time. After five hours, the yard was a wreak, and I'm sure it will look great in the end.
Here lies the remains of my headache since moving in- the weed garden. Whoo-hoo!
Monday, May 10, 2010
A Quick Update
First up, we are doing well. Danny and I have been teaching our Sunday School class since Easter. For those that really know me, you know that this is NOT something I thought I would ever do. I knew I would be teaching SS, but had assumed I would be in my old stomping grounds, in my comfort zone- in preschool or elementary. God had other plans, however. So here we are. I think we're going pretty good, considering my lack of talent, knowledge, and experience in this area. I just take comfort in the knowledge that if God wills it, He will bless it.
Other things on my plate as of late is our local homeschool group collapsed, or maybe, the term imploded would be more accurate. From these ashes, God has blessed the Christian homeschoolers of Greeneville. We have a new co-op that is joined with a large homeschool group in Johnson City. This fall, I will be teaching a class during our weekly co-op session. We are blessed that it will be at our home church, and that we already have a huge response to it. I have also begun to dabble in making cakes to sale. I will have three to make in the next three weeks. I'll post some pictures of the final results.
Danny's practice is getting bigger, in spite of the fact he's now on his 3rd nurse (2nd out on maternity leave) and has went through 3 orthopedists since his arrival. As the practice grows, so do the responsibilities- he's now Vice Chief of Staff, as well as the local EMR "guy." He's also in the throes of Sports Medicine physical time, but he did find a chance to go to Guatemala with VIMM for a week as well as take a turn as Calen's substitute soccer coach (and he tells me he's retired with a career record of 2-1-- won more than he lost!)

Jax, too, has grown so much in such a short amount of time. He will be turning 3 in three short months. He is still a tank, weighing in at 38 lbs and standing 36 inches tall. He is all boy all the time. He loves trains, especially Thomas. He also loves animals, cars, motorcycles and all things sweet. He is still a daredevil, and he can almost "take" Calen now. It is funny to watch him pick on and tease his big brother.
Riley is all girl and has a feisty yet lovable personality. She is 18 months and probably the quickest toddler I've ever seen, especially since she has only been walking for three months. She is the poster child for saying "big things come in small packages." Mom says, "it is no wonder she's so small, she never stops for more than a second." It's true, that girl doesn't stop for a any length of time before she is off to do something else.